Moves has been modified to handle Grails apps, and here's what you need to know to configure a Grails app in Moves:
1. The Grails app cannot have range dependencies (e.g. *<version>\[0.0.0,999.999.999)</version>* ) in its pom file - the Grails-Maven plugin does not understand this version specifier. So CSF dependencies, for example, must have an explicit release number (e.g. *<version>2.0.24</version>* ). Wiki Markup
2. The Grails app will have a packaging type of "grails-app" specified in its pom file. Despite this, when the "Managed Application" is defined in Moves -> Admin -> Stacks, you must select "war" as the value for the packaging parameter. This will ensure that when we are deploying the artifact to Maven, or retrieving it from Maven, the ".war" file suffix will be used, and the artifact will be located correctly.