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Any Maven project who'sartifactisaJARisOC4Jcompatibleandnoconversionisrequired.
The following instructions are for Maven project
*The following instructions are for Maven project who'sartifactisaWAR.TheseinstructionsshouldmakeaTomcat7webapplicationrunonOC4J.
Run Eclipse and open the Maven project that you want to convert to a OC4J application.
Open your project's log4j.xml for editing and find the 2 lines similar to the following (att is the project's application context root):
Code Block
# Run Eclipse and open the Maven project that you want to convert to a OC4J application.
# Open your project's *log4j.xml* for editing and find the 2 lines similar to the following (*att* is the project's application context root):
<param name="File" value="${logs.dir}/att/att.log" />
<param name="File" value="${logs.dir}/att/hbn-att.log" />