“They were not just any youngsters,” he explains, “they were youngsters at MIT. Nonetheless, they were novices”---and therefore didn’t quite realize how daunting the task might be. And besides, he says, “they believed that if this worked, it could change the world.”
Robert Huggins, a professor emeritus of materials science and engineering at Stanford University, says, “As for any radically different approach, there are a number of new practical problems to solve in order for it to become a practical alternative for use in large-scale energy storage, \ [including\] electrolyte evaporation, and corrosion and oxidation of components, as well as the ever-present issue of cost.” Nevertheless, he says, this is “a very innovative approach to electrochemical energy storage, and it is being explored with a high degree of sophistication.” Wiki Markup
“They worked miracles,” Sadoway says of his team. And the recognition he’s been getting this year, he says, is “about them, it’s not about me. It’s the group.”