The homescreen is laid out like a file cabinet. Select tabs to play or edit. Play/edit buttons do not become selectable or enhanced until a tab is highlighted. The 'More' tab brings a user to more tabs and is only visible if there are more tabs than those that fit the screen. Selection of 'New' only allows 'Edit' to become selectable. Most recently used decks are stored furthest forward.
Allows viewing of stats from the current session or all sessions combined and for the current card or the current deck. Correct/Incorrect are updated depending on the selection. Known and Unknown should also be displayed beneath (not shown). Session/Card are the defaults.
The analogy of this design is the use of a ring that holds the flashcards that are flipped to see answers, and which are stored in a container arranged and sorted with a tab file system. Thomas will be able to use this system to create decks for each language and can even re-use/copy cards from some decks into others if he finds it convenient. For example, perhaps he has separate decks for Belgian French and Quebecois French and would like to re-use some cards. Thomas can then also see if Quebecois French was easier for him to learn after already learning a few phrases from Belgian French.
Creating Flashcards
Figures for task: Homescreen, Anything + Edit Mode, New + Edit/Add, New + Edit/Copy cards
Safety: The interface is relatively safe as confirmation dialogues are given for any edits/saves/deletes. So, in terms of making huge errors, the only real threat is in deleting something, but even so, it is relatively easy to remake a flashcard that does get deleted and there is not a huge cost in doing so.
Using Flashcards
Figures for task: Play, ? (Keyring) Menu, Stats
Safety: The check/X/known buttons can be toggled, so safety for those are pretty good.
Organizing Flashcards
Figures for task: Homescreen, Anything Edit Mode, New + Edit/Add, New + Edit/Copy cards
Learnability/Efficiency/Safety: For efficiency's sake, since Organizing uses many of the same screens as Creating, but uses the features only slightly differently, I'll include the analysis for this task in that for the first task.
So, now Thomas can create his flashcards for all the different languages he wants to try to learn. He can do so rather conveniently and can re-use flashcards as well as analyze to some extent his progress.