- Edgar Salazar, esalazar@mit.edu (mailto: esalazar@mit.edu)
- Ulziibayar Otgonbaatar, ulziibay@mit.edu (mailto: ulziibay@mit.edu)
- Ryan Lopopolo, lopopolo@mit.edu (mailto: lopopolo@mit.edu)
- TA: Katrina Panovich, kp@mit.edu
Problem Statement
Scheduling meetings or events across multiple people can be difficult. It is hard to find an optimal time to host an event because everyone has different schedules. Going to each person individually in order to find good times to schedule an event can be painstakingly long and repetitive. Most importantly, there is always people who do not respond in time or does not respond at all. Since humans are not perfect, they forget or procrastinate. Sometimes, some invitees are not able to respond because they are too busy. As a result, not enough people show up at the events or events have to be rescheduled. There has to be a better way of creating events at times that work best for everyone.