Wiki Markup |
Please place any data analysis products related to fitting N132D here, under the appropriate section for each instrument. Please date each entry so we have a log of submissions. JPEG and GIF images can be displayed inline, which other files (PDF, PS, PHA files, event lists) should be included as attachments with a link to the file. |
* [Chandra |
Chandra ACIS
ACIS|#Chandra ACIS] * [Chandra HETG|#Chandra HETG] * [Suzaku XIS|#Suzaku XIS] * [Swift XRT|#Swift XRT] * [XMM MOS|#XMM MOS] * [XMM pn|#XMM pn] * [XMM RGS|#XMM RGS] ---- {anchor:Chandra ACIS} h3. Chandra ACIS 0.35-8.0 keV image from an 89 ks ACIS-S3 observation with the proposed extraction region overlaid. |
There are about 2.5 million total counts from the SNR in this data |
set. !merged_hr_expcorr_ext_lbl.jpg|border=1! Chandra image from a larger region that has been smoothed and contrast enhanced with the XIS extraction region overlaid to determine if there are any bright sources in the XIS extraction region: !merged_hr_expcorr_lbl_xis.jpg|border=1! Fit to the ACIS spectrum with the ESAC version 1.0 model for the 2.0-10.0 keV |
range. !5532_comb_fit2.0_9.0_v1.0_20110439.jpg|border=1! Fit with the ESAC version v1.0 model in the 2.0-4.0 kV range looking for any missing lines, there do not appear to be any line features that the ACIS spectrum would |
Chandra HETG
Suzaku XIS
Suzaku/XIS1 full-band image with extraction region in magenta (left) compared to ACIS image and extraction region in green (right).
require: !5532_comb_fit2.0_4.0_v1.0_20110439.jpg|border=1! ---- {anchor:Chandra HETG} h3. Chandra HETG \\ \\ \\ ---- {anchor:Suzaku XIS} h3. Suzaku XIS Suzaku/XIS1 full-band image with extraction region in magenta (left) compared to ACIS image and extraction region in green (right). !n132d_xis_acis_comp.jpg! Suzaku/XIS spectra (black=XIS1, red=XIS0, green=XIS3) from 2010-07-27, with E212_v1.0_20110439.xcm model folded through. A constant normalization factor was allowed to vary for each XIS, but everything else was fixed. Norms are 1.27, 1.31, 1.28 (so ~30% larger than XMM model). |
!n132d_xis_with_E212_v1.0_20110439.jpg! Spectra of Suzaku/XIS N132D obs, with *old* XMM model folded |
Swift XRT
through !n132d_xis_20110325-0.jpg! ---- {anchor:Swift XRT} h3. Swift XRT \\ \\ \\ ---- {anchor:XMM MOS} h3. XMM MOS Coadded MOS spectra at high energies from 10 observations (processed as of 11-may-2011). Total Exposure ~ 257 ksec. In total there more than |
40 observations in the XMM archive |
XMM pn
{anchor:XMM pn}
h3. XMM pn
{anchor:XMM RGS}
h3. Attachments:
{attachments} |