Wiki Markup |
I have actually already have a nersc cert. It's automatic with your account. |
Test a gridftp from from RCF site
---- Test a *gridftp* from from RCF site # {color:#0000ff}ssh |
{color} # ssh to stargrid node (01,02,03,04) , e.g. |
{color:#0000ff}ssh stargrid01{color} # {color:#333333}{*}create proxy{*}{color} {color:#333333}at stargrid node :{color}{color:#0000ff} myproxy-logon \-s \-t |
240 {color} {code} myproxy-logon -s Enter MyProxy pass phrase: [enter PDSF NIM password] A credential has been received for user balewski in /tmp/x509up |
_u3329 {code} You specify how long you want your cert to last with '-t hours' option. The limit is \~11 days. # {color:#333333}{*}verify proxy expiration time{*}{color} {color:#333333}:{color}{color:#0000ff} grid-proxy-info{color} {code} Here's an example of a proxy on our ALICE installation with CERN cert subject : /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=jporter/CN=482817/CN=Jeff Porter/CN=1269780641 issuer : /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=jporter/CN=482817/CN=Jeff Porter identity : /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=jporter/CN=482817/CN=Jeff Porter type : Proxy draft (pre-RFC) compliant impersonation proxy strength : 512 bits path : /tmp/x509up_u49514 timeleft : 39:58:38 (1.6 days) |
{code} # {color:#333333}{*}transfer of a single file{*}{color} {color:#333333}from RCF to PDSF: {color} {code} stargrid01:~$ globus-url-copy file:///star/data13/Magellan/source gsi globus-url-copy -r -p 2 file:///star/data13/Magellan/daq_manual/034/ gsi cvrsvc06 ~]$ globus-url-copy file:///global/scratch/sd/balewski/w2011/test2/big2GBfile.daq gsi |
{code} # Remote execution of command : {code} stargrid01:~/0x$globus-job-run /bin/csh \-c "ls /global/scratch/sd/balewski/w2011/" globus-job-run /bin/csh -c "ls /home/ibhadju/temp/simPreStage/" |
{code} # Synchronize a disk with HPSS {code} Upload dedicated ssh-key to Then from my laptop I did: ssh -i .ssh/id_dsa-globus-balewski -t endpoint-list should show nothing. But add the -p, This should produce a public list that includes nersc#dtn & nersc#hpss. (always just use the -t to hide any passwords you might need ...) ... nersc#dtn nersc#dtn_new nersc#hpss ... Activate both those endpoints, ssh -i .ssh/id_dsa-globus-balewski -t endpoint-activate nersc#* This will prompt for a pass phrase - use your nim password. Now list again & this should show the endpoints with a time associated with it ( we can increase the time to 11 days as needed). ssh -i .ssh/id_dsa-globus-balewski -t endpoint-list Warning: No xauth data; using fake authentication data for X11 forwarding. nersc#dtn 11:59:28 nersc#dtn_new 11:59:28 nersc#hpss 11:59:28 Connection to closed. Now copy 1 file from disk to HPSS . Here's my example. balewski-mac:~ balewski$ echo "nersc#dtn/global/scratch/sd/balewski/w2011/starFebB/036/st_physics_12036062_raw_1010001.daq nersc#hpss/home/b/balewski/test1/aa.28MBb " | ssh -i .ssh/id_dsa-globus-balewski -t transfer balewski-mac:~ balewski$ ssh -i .ssh/id_dsa-globus-balewski -t details 72940a7a-49fd-11e0-8d56-123139054450 Warning: No xauth data; using fake authentication data for X11 forwarding. Task ID : 72940a7a-49fd-11e0-8d56-123139054450 Task Type : TRANSFER Parent Task ID : n/a Status : SUCCEEDED Request Time : 2011-03-09 03:29:31Z If this all works, then try to sync a directory tree from a source to a destination - here is my example from disk to hpss echo "nersc#dtn/global/scratch/sd/balewski/w2011/starFebB/ nersc#hpss/home/b/balewski/w2011VM/ -r -s 2 " | ssh -i .ssh/id_dsa-globus-balewski -t transfer You need the slashes at the end of the directory names. The 's 1' means use filesize to determine success. I believe the '-r' is recursive and '-s 1' is use filesize for sync. '-s 3' uses md5sums. The details are: Let me know how that goes. The same syntax could be used to copy files/directories between rcf and nersc once the rcf endpoint is configured. |
{code} # In case of problems with sync of a disk with HPSS {code} for i in `ssh -i .ssh/id_dsa-globus-balewski details -f taskid -O csv -a ` ; do echo ; echo ; ssh -i .ssh/id_dsa-globus-balewski details $i; echo; ssh -i .ssh/id_dsa-globus-balewski events -O csvh $i ; done > globuonline.log logs on the web site. Could you login there as yourself, select "View Transfers" form the "Go To" menu at the top center of the page, click on the ID of a job running at about 15:00 PST, As far as stopping a globusonline transfer, I'm told that you can issue a "cancel <task_id>" command in the same manner you started the transfer, with the globusonline CLI. You should be issued a task ID at the start of each transfer. My understanding is we cannot stop individual jobs from the archive side. {code} |
\---\-*Q: what is the path to /star/data13/ visible to globus? |
* {code |
} The path is via any of 3 machines: stargrid02, stargrid03, stargrid04. I think stargrid04 is the one to use. Therefor you will need to define that endpoint. I just made my definition public, so you should be able to see porter#star4 as an endpoint. You will need to activate it - BUT here is the next step. NERSC recognizes your cert, stargrid04 doesn't. For star to recognize it, you need to make a *** web request with that CERT ***. To make a web request you need to load it into your browser. Ok, It's a pain but at least it's a one-time operation. I'll show you the steps. 1) on a stargrid node, do the 'myproxy-logon -s' 2) copy the proxy file, /tmp/x509up_whateveritisforyou, to your laptop. 3) change it to pk12 format: openssl pkcs12 -in yourcopiedoverfile -export -out jans-nersc.p12 It will ask for a password to encrypt it. 4) import into your browser. I'll assume firefox: preferences->Advanced->Encryption->View Certificates Then click 'import'. It will ask for the password of the file (it may first ask for your password if yuo've locked the browser) 5) Once that's installed (it will be in the list in the preferences panel) go to: It should see your cert (displayed on the webpage). From the page, request to be a member of the STAR VO. You'll need to reply to an automatic email, but then Jerome will be notified. |
{code} \----Optimization of globus transfer, various suggestions |
{code |
} guc is globus-url-copy - acronym invented by Levente srm is a software layer over that - it makes sure transfers complete There is a –r recursive copy option; Or else you can do a loop in shell: set daq = (1380001.daq 1380003.daq 1380004.daq); foreach f ($daq) globus-url-copy -p 25 file:/star/bla/bla/$f gsi$f end If you specify a source ending in "XXX/" , it will treat XXX as a directory and transfer all files in XXX from the XXX directory Use -p 25 option for having more streams, but isn't 25 overdoing it? You got 1 file cut into 25 buffer chunks and all this has to be re-assembled on arrival. I'd try +-2 around 8. Use different end-point machine: to avoid STAR,ATLAS conflicts there is also gatekeeper I have access too. pull from carver, you need to load the osg module ,and then you have the globus commands available globus-job-run works like remote ssh command Look at this page: for globus-job-run, globus-job-submit and globus-job-get-output (job is a command or script, not necessarily something that goes into the batch system) dtn01 is a data transfer node. It has a gsiftp server but no gatekeeper. carvergrid has both but dtn01 has a 10Gb erthernet and carvergrid only 1Gb. You can use dtn01 for globus-url-copy and carvergrid for globus-job... type commands. You can test a gridftp from stargrid node (01,02,03,04) right now to either gsi or to gsi {code} |
\----Testing globus, by Jeff: |
{code |
} Ok. Let's do a transfer. 1st check for endpoints (assuming your globus online user name is same as on your laptop, otherwise add yourname@ in front of the cli...) ssh -t endpoint-list should show nothing. But add the -p, ssh -t endpoint-list -p This should produce a public list that includes nersc#dtn & nersc#hpss. (always just use the -t to hide any passwords you might need ...) Activate both those endpoints, ssh -t endpoint-activate nersc#* This will prompt for a pass phrase - use your nim password. Now list again & this should show the endpoints with a time associated with it ( we can increase the time to 11 days as needed). ssh -t endpoint-list Jeff {code} |