Wiki Markup |
The FIREHOSE pipeline is currently under release via anonymous svn. |
This allows us to implement bug fixes quickly in the early phase of public use. |
Once we have obtained sufficiently stable builds, we will tag them and release to this site as tarballs. |
The package consists of a suite of IDL routines plus some archived calibration files. |
After downloading, you can read the [installation instructions|FIRE:FIREHOSE installation instructions] for information on how to unpack and configure the software |
. ---- h3. TO DOWNLOAD: On a terminal, change to the directory where you wish to place the reduction codes. Typically this would be in \~/idl or some such location as in $(IDL_LOCAL). |
Then type the following command: |
{code |
} svn co svn:// FIRE {code} This connects you anonymously to our code repository server, and will place the necessary files in a new subfolder named FIRE. |
In the future, if the instrument team announces significant updates to the pipeline, you may download these by changing to the install directory and typing |
{code |
} svn update {code} which will synchronize your local copy of the code with the most recent version in our servers. |
h3. Release |
History v1.3 \[beta\] - 08 / 26 / 2011 |
This release includes routines for handling data taken in FIRE's low dispersion prism mode. |
v1.2 \[beta\] - 08 / 05 / 2011 |
This release adds features to allow user-selected extraction apertures and more preferences for general extraction. |
Fixed many outstanding bugs, probably introduced others. |
v1.1 \[beta\] - 04 / 21 / 2011 |
This is the initial public release of firehose. |
We are currently supporting code to reduce FIRE echelle mode observations only, although longslit routines are in the code base and brave users can give them a try until we move to support them as well. |
The current release is in beta stage only. |
We have made every effort to produce robust reductions but users should examine outputs critically and report feedback to our team, or comment to this wiki. |