MIT Touchstone Project Planning
Transition the IdPs to Shibboleth 2.1.4 release.
Phase One: Transition core MIT IdPs (
Idp1 and idp2 are running on RHEL3 physical machines. NIST has also provided idp2-dev, which is also a RHEL3 machine. Bob has been using foonalagoona which is provided by OPS/AMIT. This is not a RHEL3 machine. To complete the transition new RHEL5 VMs will be requested from NIST. In addition to the OS upgrade, several other components will be upgraded as well. For example, we have been using Apache 2.0 and will be going to 2.2. We've been using Tomcat 5.5 and will be going to 6. We have been using Java 5 and will be going to 6.
- 2 dev machine (increased from 1 to 2 at Mark's suggestion) (Received)
- 2 staging machines
- 2 production machines
- Configuration:
- minimum RAM 2GB, we're requesting 4GB.
- at least 10Gb disk, 7200 RPM
- Switch Federation recommends on a physical machine the CPU should 4 cores, each running at 2GHz. It has been noted that IdPs tend to be CPU bound, not disk io or network bandwidth intensive.
Develop login page(s) that support multiple mechanisms, without using Stanford WebAuth. (currently expect to complete by January 1st, 2010)
- Authentication mechanisms:
- Username/password urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:PasswordProtectedTransport, This uses the Internet2 provided JAAS Kerberos module. the MIT specific UI still needs to be written.
- X.509 certificates (via Apache mod_ssl) urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:SoftwarePKI
- Kerberos via http-spnego (via modgssapache) urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:Kerberos
- login handler module development (to support the MIT page with multiple mechansim choices, as well as the ability for SPs to specificy a particular mechanism)
- re-implement the iPhone support
- (completed, week of 10/19/2009)Bob will check to make sure that no SPs are using artifact query
- (week of 10/26/2009) perform test to ensure that the removal does not break anything.
- Since EZProxy does not use the Internet2 Shibboleth distribution, and instead has a fully integrated SP distribution, additional testing will have to be coordinated with the MIT Libraries. (Paul to test 12/15 or 12/16)
- Need to determine when this change will be made. (Currently planned for the week of 12/22/2009)
Migrate from SP attribute query to IdP attribute push.
- Update the Apache server on the existing 1.3 IdPs to include the mod_rewrite module. This will require a rebuilding of Apache on RHEL3. Idp2-dev will be used. This is expected to take approximately one week. This time estimate includes the rebuilding of Apache, the installation on the test server, and testing the URL rewriting functionality. (completed on one dev machine (reported on 12/15))
- Idp2-dev will be used for testing this prior to deployment to either staging or production.
- Test phase:
- This will include the modified IdPs , with the new endpoints supported on the IdP staging servers.
- The initial testing phase will simply demonstrate that we can use mod_rewrite to avoid the need to run a second instance of the 1.3 IdPs.
- We will want some of our most heavily used SP customers to help with testing. We would like Stellar and Wikis staging and test instances to point to the core staging environment during this phase. - (Can we get AMIT to commit to this during the week of January 4th? Paul will raise this at the 12/15 ISDA Pipeline meeting)
IDP 2.x deployment issues
entityIDs (There is no good way to transition the InCommon metadata, we plan to leave this as is. Bob does need to test the configuration that supports the two different entityIDs for MIT. He estimates this will take one day. The testing should be completed by January 1st.)
There are currently two entityIDs or proiderIDs that are used to describe the core MIT IdPs. Within InCommon our entityID is Within the campus federation our entityID is **. A single entityID can be used in two different federations. However, when doing so it is important to keep the data identical in the two different metadata files.
We should strongly consider ignoring this recommendation and migrating to the URL form of entityID within the InCommon metadata. (Won't work.)
metadata updating
Several of the MIT SPs do not currently follow our recommendations to update the MIT metadata on a regular basis. We need to get all SPs that are important to users and customers to update their metadata on a regular basis before the transition deployment can commence.
On December 8th the metadata was updated with an expiration date of February 1, 2010.
Paul to send another reminder to stakeholders, and include information about how they can confirm they have the recent file. Send by COB 12/18/2009.
deployment migration and temporary SSO disruption
We could “throw the switch” and shut down the old IdPs and bring up the new IdPs during one scheduled short down time. This would require a short interruption of service. If there are problems with the 2.x IdPs it will mean there will be other interruptions of service.
Phase Two: Transition IdPs
All of the work to be done to migrate the core IdPs is also applicable to the TouchstoneNetwork IdPs, with the exception to the work required to eliminate Stanford WebAuth from the core IdPs. We expect that once the core IdPs have been transitioned, it will simply be a matter of applying nearly the same configurations to the new CAMS IdP machines, and testing them. However, there is other work that is required. Today, CAMS uses a Tomcat realm for authentication. For the transition to Shibboleth 2.x, a new JAAS Tomcat module that interacts with the CAMS MySQL database needs to be written to support the username-password mechanism. The Internet2 provider JAAS Kerberos handler is not applicable in the CAMS situation.
By dropping the OpenID support, temporarily, we believe this phase of the transition can be done in approximately four weeks of time.
Phase Three: improve SP registration
SP registration currently requires a person to send mail to an RT queue for processing. The person has to understand what type of information is required. Someone (Bob) has to edit the MIT-metadata.xml file with the submitted information in order for the registration to become effective.
Phase four: Misc
- InCommon is strongly advocating the use of inline certificates, i.e. inline in the metadata. This will mean that if MIT SP use a single certificate for the user facing SSL and for Shibboleth, when the certificate has to be renewed, the system administrators will also have to register the new certificate in the MIT, and potentially the InCommon Federation, metadata. Any decisions regarding such a transition at MIT will occur after the initial transition to the next generation of IdPs.
- InCommon will now accept self-signed certificates, or even certificates issued by the MIT CA, discussion of any such transitions will occur after we have transitioned the IdPs to 2.x.
Projected timeline
Week of October 26 (~3 days available)