The Fastcat macroThe Fastcat macro in Connexion is named Fcat05 and is located in the macro book Fastcat. This is what the macro does: Check if a session is logged on, and if not, initiate a login. If any of the following conditions are found, the macro exits with a message “Do not Fastcat…”: - Record is already held by MIT
- 040 does not contain 'DLC'
- ELvl is not blank, and does not contain '4'
- Desc does not contain 'a'
- Conf contains '1'
- Call number begins with 'Z'.
If none of the above conditions exist, it checks for the presence of 440 and 490. If either is found, Fastcat cataloger is alerted that there is a series. If not the 910-949 macro will be called. |