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h1. India
h4. [Telephony|#telephony|Telephony] . [Getting Wired|#wired|Getting Wired] . [Voltage/Outlets|#voltage|Voltage and outlet information] . [Related Links|#related|Related Links] . [About India|#aboutindia|Videos, Blogs and interesting Indian Sites] . [Before you go|#beforeyougo|Task List]
| !map_india1.jpg! | !swami_000.jpg|align=center! Homeless? Maybe. But connected\! | !internet1.jpg|align=center! Fancy western style cafe with wireless | !internetindia-2.jpg|align=center! Don't be fooled..this could house a high-speed broadband connection |
h4. (!) Caution
* Technology landscape constantly changes. You may use this page as a guide but confirm its currency with your counterpart in the country you are traveling.
* When you return we would appreciate any feedback you may have that can be used to update this page and make it more current.
h4. Telephony
* h5. Overview
** Cell phones are very pervasive in India. Access is excellent even in rural areas. Even Riksha-pullers and housemaids own cell phones (referred to more commonly as Mobile).India supports both GSM and CDMA. The carriers use 900 or 1800 MHZ. Airtel, Reliance mobile, BPL, Hutch , BSNL, Tata and MTNL are mobile carriers.
* h5. Using your US cell phone
** You can call your carrier to enable access in India. (People have had trouble with this and it can be expensive)
** If you have an unlocked GSM phone, you can buy a SIM card in India and use it. (The phone must be UNLOCKED)
* h5. Alternatives
** (*Highly Recommended*)Purchasing a low end cell phone in India is a good option. You can buy it for 25-30$ . You can purchase a pre-paid SIM card that is guaranteed to work. Incoming calls in the local area are free. Phones are very easily available and your Indian contact can point you in the right direction.
** [A good site for information about cell phones||Infomation on Cell Phones]
* h5. Landlines
** Cell phones have overtaken landline service. In urban areas hotels and other places have landline connections. But in rural areas cell phones will be the way to go.
* h5. Using your computer
** If you have an internet connection, for international calls skype is very popular.
** [Magicjack||Magic jack] is a product that can be used to connect your computer to a landline and allow you to make free calls.
h4. Getting Wired
* h5. Overview
** In urban areas broadband connectivity is excellent.High end hotels, leading universities and research labs usually offer both wired and wireless connections. Internet cafes are also abundant. Many will be really small shops that look more like shacks but have the services you need. If you are going to visit a semi-urban or rural area check with your contact about connectivity. Some regions are very good and yet others lag behind.
** [Search for internet cafes by city and country||Search for internet cafes by city and country]
* h5. Wireless Datacards
** A wireless Datacard or USB is a recommended option if you plan to travel a lot within India. Cost varies from as little as $3 for limited time rentals to $80 and up for purchase. Reliance Netconnect, Tata Indicom Plug 2 Surf, Airtel Wireless are currently very popular.
* h5. Connectivity at Hotels, Universities, Research Labs
** Most 3 - 5 star hotels, leading universities and research labs will have some form of Internet connection. Many hotels provide wireless access laptops. There are western-style coffee shops in cities like Mumbai and Delhi which may have wireless access.
* h5. [IS&T Website - Traveling with your Laptop ||Using MIT services to connect]
h4. Voltage/Outlets
* Standard Voltage - 220V
* Outlets vary (mostly 3 point outlets)
* Need a multiplug adapter
* Surge Protector Recommended
* Power outage common. Remember to save work constantly
* Highend establishments have backup generators and provide 24 hour electricity.
* [World Voltage Information||World Voltage and outlet information]
h4. Related Links
* [MIT Faculty and Staff With Research Interest in India ||Faculty and Staff With Research Interest in India]
* [Global Initiatives in India||India Related Projects at MIT]
* [MISTI site||MISTI - MIT-India website]
* [MIT Medical Travel Site||MIT Medical Travel Site]
* [MIT Travel Office ||MIT Travel Office]
* [MIT Insurance Office ||MIT Insurance Office]
* [Indian Consulate in New York ||Indian Consulate in New York]
* [Currency Conversion - Dollar to Indian Rupee ||Currency Conversion]
* [Weather, New Delhi,India ||Weather, New Delhi, India]
h4. India Related Videos, Blogs and Websites
* [Glimpses of India||Video on MIT World]
* Blogs
** [Next Lab Student Travels to Jhansi||A student blog]
* Interesting External Websites
** [Food, Clothing, Culture and travel tips||Travel tips]
{tasklist:Before you go|sortBy=date} |
| Homeless? Maybe. But connected! | Fancy western style cafe with wireless | Don't be fooled..this could house a high-speed broadband connection |
Tasklist | |
Before you go | Before you go |
sortBy | date |
|| Completed || Priority || Locked || CreatedDate || CompletedDate || Assignee || Name ||
| F | M | F | 1253715828250 | | | Get Voice and Internet Connectivity Information |
| F | M | F | 1253716009631 | | | Buy a multiplug adapter |
| F | M | F | 1253716022316 | | | Check Visa Information |
| F | M | F | 1253716153061 | | | Get Travel Medical Information |
| F | M | F | 1253716170690 | | | Check State Department Security Alerts for the Country |
{tasklist} |