We implement the Stoner model, a textbook Hamiltonian for itinerant ferromagnetism, using a two-component gas of free fermions with short-range repulsive interactions, which can capture the essence of the screened Coulomb interaction in electron gases. However, there is no proof so far that this simple model for ferromagnetism is consistent when the strong interactions are treated beyond mean-field approaches. It is known that this model fails in one dimension where the ground state is singlet for arbitrary interactions, or for two particles in any dimension. Here, cold atoms are used to perform a quantum simulation of this model Hamiltonian in 3D and show experimentally that it leads to a ferromagnetic phase transition. An important recent development in cold atom science has been the realization of superfluidity and the BEC-BCS crossover in strongly interacting two-component Fermi gases near a Feshbach resonance. These phenomena occur for attractive interactions for negative scattering length and for bound molecules (corresponding to a positive scattering length for two unpaired atoms). Very little attention has been given to the region for atoms with strongly repulsive interactions. One reason is that this region is an excited branch, which is unstable against near-resonant three-body recombination into weakly-bound molecules. Nevertheless, many theoretical papers have proposed a two-component Fermi gas near a Feshbach resonance as a model system for itinerant ferromagnetism assuming that the decay into molecules can be sufficiently suppressed. |