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The following steps should be followed to migrate a Shibboleth service provider (web server application) from Shibboleth 1.3 to 2.x:


Back up old configuration files



h4. Summary

The following steps should be followed to migrate a Shibboleth service provider (web server application) from Shibboleth 1.3 to 2.x:

* [Back up old configuration files|#backup]
* [Install Shibboleth SP 2.x|#install]
* [Configure the SP software|#configure]
* [Test the SP software|#testshib]
* [Adapt the web application and server configurations as necessary|#adapt]
* [Test the web application|#testapp]


h4. Back up old configuration files

If you install from RPM (strongly recommended), the configuration files, error pages, certificates, etc., in the {{$PREFIX/etc/shibboleth}} directory should be saved when you install the Shibboleth 2 SP RPMs.  But we still recommend making a copy of the /etc/shibboleth directory for safety.  You should also save a copy of the shibd init script ({{/etc/rc.d/init.d/shibd}}).





h4. Install Shibboleth SP 2.x


We strongly recommend that you download and install the 2.x SP RPMs from the [Internet2 downloads site|].  It is not necessary to download the {{\-debuginfo}}, {{\-devel}}, or {{\-docs}} RPMs.




Configure the SP software



h4. Configure the SP software

The quickest way to get started is to copy the following files from the Touchstone locker ({{/mit/touchstone/config/shibboleth2-sp}}) into /etc/shibboleth:


* {{attribute-map.xml


* {{


* {{



Then run the script, and answer the prompts, to generate shibboleth2.xml.  For example:


}# cd /etc/shibboleth
# cp /mit/touchstone/config/shibboleth2-sp/* .
# sh

Note that any changes to the shibboleth2.xml, attribute-map.xml, and attribute-policy.xml files will be detected automatically, i.e. without requiring a restart of shibd.


Also, note that Shibboleth 2.x can check for and reload metadata automatically, obviating the need for a separate cron job to do so.  The Touchstone-supplied shibboleth2.xml template is configured to do so for the MIT metadata, so, once 2.x is deployed, the cron job required in 1.3 can be removed.




Test the SP software


Adapt the web application and server configurations as necessary



h4. Test the SP software


h4. Adapt the web application and server configurations as necessary

The names of the environment variables mapped to Shibboleth attributes have changed in 2.x, to non-Shibboleth-specific names.


  For example the user's display (i.e. full) name is now passed via the {{displayName}} variable, whereas in 1.3 it was passed via {{HTTP_SHIB_INETORGPERSON_DISPLAYNAME}}.


Note that, by default, the Shibboleth-related headers are *not* passed to the application in 2.x; this is to avoid any problems with header spoofing.


  If you do need to use these headers in your application, add the following directive to your Apache configuration:


}ShibUseHeaders On



h4. Test the web application