Replace {color:green}/path/to/keystore/<the name of your Trused Servers keystore>.jks{color} with the path to and name of the Trusted Servers keystore.
Replace {color:green}/path/to/keystore/<the name of your Trused Servers keystore>.jks{color} with the path to and name of the Applicaiton Certificate keystore.
Replace {color:green}<trustStorePassword>{color} with the password for your {color:green}<the name of your Trusted Servers keystore>{color}.jks.
Replace {color:green}<clientKeystorePassword>{color} with the password for your {color:green}<the name of your Application Certificate keystore>{color}.jks.
The above plug-in can be used to build the Java code from any of the ISDA supported web services. You only have to replace the property value of *service.wsdl* with any of the URL's shown below.\\
For example, if you wish to build the Java code for the moiraws web service from the DSPS Production servers, change the line: