- Slight change to the Writing schedule- the 7/1 deliverable will consist of just 3 +/-final pages to allow Bob to begin his development work. The complete set of content will be delivered on 7/11.
- The Multimedia script schedule is part of the Multimedia Development schedule on the NEO Wiki.
- NEO URL Name. Kath and Robert suggested three names:
- *- Welcome
- YouAreHere
- WelcometoMIT
- Everyone liked the simplicity of "Welcome". Bob thought "Welcome" should also appear on the web page design, to reinforce the URL name. While everything about the current design says "Welcome" to new employees, nothing in the design explicitly states it. We discussed alternatives and the use of redirects and came up with the following first choice:
- The new employee letter will direct the recipient to: hrweb.mit.edu/Welcome
- The system will redirect the user to the site's true URL: hrweb.mit.edu/YouAreHere
- The technical implementation (redirect vs. dual URLs) is TBD.
- Schedule Review- key points:
- The first script, based on the Benefits introductory slide is due 6/11. The purpose is to establish tone & style; little or no detailed benefits vetting will be required
- Ken will present a brief overview of the NEO web project on 6/18 & 6/19 to Benefits staff. In addition to the overview, we will discuss how we'd like Benefits to contribute:
- Benefits' primary role is to vet the audio script content; Jean Samuelson to coordinate
- 6/24 first set of scripts(feed back due 7/1)
- 7/1 second set of scripts (feed back due 7/8)
- Auditions are scheduled soon. One month exists between auditions and recordings, to allow for alternative approaches. (Kath knows of some good voice talent at MIT should we become stuck.) Would be desirable to have some sample material to be read at the audition.
- Kath will be present at the production recordings, scheduled for mid-July. She will be able to perform any necessary on the spot script re-writes.
- Ken requested that everyone review the schedule, paying particular attention to those tasks where they are listed as the contact. Everyone should confirm they are comfortable with the dates/task/time allotted/etc.
- Issues:
- The multimedia overview script content matrix is currently incomplete. Ken will have an updated version for Kath soon.
- We are considering employing a PowerPoint expert to build the slides. This person should be able to add animations and effects to the PowerPoint slide show based on Wing's design templates, and consistent in taste and style with the rest of the web site. Tom Pixton has a potential candidate, but there are issues to consider. Recommendation- that we make this decision part of the phase II development effort (i.e., timed for Open Enrollment during the fall.)