C4FCM | Center for Future Civic Media | |
CAA | Computer-Aided Automation | |
CAAFI | Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative | |
CAAB | Campus Alcohol Advisory Board | |
CAC | Campus Activities Complex | |
CAC | Committee on Animal Care | |
CADLab | Computer-Aided Design Lab | |
CAES | Center for Advanced Educational Services (formerly Center for Advanced Engineering Study) | |
CANES | Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems | |
CAMIT | Chinese Alumni of MIT | |
CAN-SPAM | Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act | |
CAO | Controller's Accounting Office | |
CAP | Committee on Academic Performance | |
CAS | Cost Accounting Standards | |
CASE | Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (based in Washington, DC) | |
CASPAR | Cambridge and Somerville Program for Alcoholism Rehabilitation | |
CAVS | Center for Advanced Visual Studies | |
CBA | Center for Bits and Atoms | |
CBE | Center for Biomedical Engineering | |
CBI | Center for Biomedical Innovation | |
CBIP | Center for Biological Information Processing | |
CC@MIT | Catalyst Collaborative at MIT, a collaboration between MIT and the Underground Railway Theater | |
CCCOB | College Career Centers of Boston | |
CCI | Center for Collective Intelligence | |
CCNEs | Centers of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence at MIT (MIT and Harvard together were named one by the National Cancer Institute) | |
CCOP | Corporation Committee on the Presidency | |
CCP | Communication, Coordination, and Planning (Group) | |
CCR | Former acronym for the David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research (KI) based on the name Center for Cancer Research | |
CCR | Committee on Corporate Relations | |
CCREMS | Center for Computational Research in Economics and Management Science | |
CCS | Center for Coordination Science | |
CCS | Carbon Capture and Sequestion | |
CCSC | Community Charter School of Cambridge | |
CDB | Campus Dining Board | |
CDC | Corporation Development Committee | |
CDD | City Design and Development (program in the Department of Architecture) | |
CDIO | Conceive, Design, Implement, Operate (interactive learning model in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics) | |
CDO | Computation for Design and Optimization Program | |
CDP | ell Decision Processes (MIT has a "Center of Excellence in CDP, with funding from NIH.) | |
CDSA | Community Development and Substance Abuse, Office of | |
C.E. | Civil Engineer (degree) | |
CECI | Center for Educational Computing Initiatives | |
CEE | Center for Excellence in Education, a Virginia-based organization | |
CEE | (Department of) Civil and Environmental Engineering | |
CEEPR | Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research | |
CEESA | Civil & Environmental Engineering Student's Association | |
CEEW | Cyprus Institute Program for Energy, Environment and Water Resources (program in LFEE) | |
CEHS | Center for Environmental Health Sciences | |
CEI | Center for Environmental Initiatives (See LFEE.) | |
CENSAM | Center for Environmental Sensing and Modeling | |
Centrex | Central Exchange (main telephone system until October 1988) | |
CEP | Committee on Educational Policy. This no longer exists. It was split into the Faculty Policy Committee or FPC, and the Committee on the Undergraduate Program, or CUP. | |
CERN | European Organization for Nuclear Research | |
CESF | Center for Engineering Systems Fundamentals (in the Engineering Systems Division) | |
CET | Council on Educational Technology | |
CETI | China Education and Technology Initiative | |
CEUE | Commission on Engineering Undergraduate Education | |
CfA | (Harvard-Smithsonian) Center for Astrophysics | |
CFA | Committee on Faculty-Administration | |
C4FCM | MIT's Center For Future Civic Media | |
CFP | Communications Futures Program | |
CFP | Community Fellows Program (old). Now called Center for Reflective Community Practice. | |
CFW | Council on Family and Work | |
CG | Competency Group (former name of HR team in IS and IS&T) | |
CGSP | Committee on Graduate School Programs (formerly Policy) | |
C.H.E. | Chemical Engineer (degree) | |
ChemE | (Department of) Chemical Engineering | |
Chocolate City | Name used for several floors of New House | |
CHP | Chemical Hygiene Plan | |
CHP | Combined Heat and Power | |
CIC | Computationally Intensive Computing (team) in Information Services and Technology | |
CICS | Center for Intelligent Control Systems | |
CIDMS | Center for Information-Driven Mechanical Systems | |
CI-H | Communication Intensive subject in the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (undergraduate requirement) | |
CII | Communications Innovation Institute | |
CIL | Committee on Industrial Liaison | |
CI-M | Communication Intensive subject in the Major (undergraduate requirement) | |
CIMIT | Center for Integration of Medicine and Innovative Technology | |
CIPD | Center for Innovation in Product Development | |
CIS | Center for International Studies | |
CISR | Center for Information Systems Research | |
CIST | Center for Infrastructure Science and Technology | |
CITP | Clinical Investigator Training Program | |
CivEE | (Department of) Civil and Environmental Engineering | |
CJAC | Corporation Joint Advisory Committee on Institute-wide Affairs | |
CLC | Cambridge Licensing Commission | |
CLI | Center for Latin-American Logistics Innovation | |
CLM | Center for Learning and Memory | |
CLSS | Computerized Literature Search Service (Libraries) | |
CME | Cambridge-MIT Exchange (Program) | |
CME-MSRI | Chicago Mercantile Exchange-Mathematical Sciences Research Initiative | |
CMI | Cambridge-MIT Institute | |
C-MORE | Center for Microbial Oceanography Research and Education | |
CMP | Cooperative Mobility Program | |
CMRAE | Center for Materials Research in Archaeology and Ethnology | |
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="3c044ce2-09ca-4cfd-8ea7-73226038946a"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[ | CMS | Comparative Media Studies (graduate program, research program [Singapore, McArthur] and undergraduate major) |
CMSE | Center for Materials Science and Engineering | |
COBE | Cosmic Background Explorer (NASA's) | |
COBRA | Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act | |
COC | Committee on Curricula | |
COCA | Committee on Central America | |
COD | Committee on Discipline | |
COEUS | MIT's electronic proposal and award system. This is not an acronym; Coeus was the Greek god of intelligence. | |
COFHE | Consortium on Financing Higher Education | |
COG | Communications Operating Group | |
COGR | Council on Governmental Relations | |
Cog Shop | The Humanoid Robotics Project | |
COHH | Center for Oceans and Human Health | |
CoIL | Community Innovators Lab (formerly Center for Reflective Community Practice) | |
COLAB | Cost of Living Advisory Board (formed by the Graduate Student Council) | |
COM | Computer Output Microfilm | |
Concourse | An experimental freshman program | |
Coop | Harvard Cooperative Society (including the MIT branch known as Tech Coop) | |
COPA | Committee on Outside Professional Activities | |
COSO | Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (of the Treadway Commission). COSO is a voluntary private-sector organization whose purpose is improving the quality of financial reporting. | |
COSYSMO | Constructive Systems Engineering Cost Model | |
COUHES | Committee on the Use of Humans as Experimental Subjects | |
CP | Campus Police | |
CP | Chi Phi | |
CPA | Center for Policy Alternatives | |
CPRL | Ceramics Processing Research Laboratory | |
CPS | Communication Production Services | |
CPSE | Council on Primary and Secondary Education | |
CPSR | Contractor Purchasing System Review (conducted by the federal government) | |
CPW | Campus Preview Weekend | |
CR | Communication Requirement | |
CRC | Clinical Research Center | |
CRCP | Center for Reflective Community Practice (previous name of Community Innovators Lab) | |
CRD | Committee on Race and Diversity | |
CRE | Center for Real Estate | |
CRI | Council on Resources for the Institute | |
CRN | Computer Resource Network | |
CRO | Computer Resources Office (in the Department of Architecture) | |
CRSP | Committee for the Review of Space Planning | |
CRTMA | Charles River Transportation Management Association | |
CSA | Committee on Student Affairs | |
CSAB | Computer Science Accreditation Board | |
CSAIL | Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory | |
CSBi | Computational and Systems Biology, a Ph.D. program at MIT | |
CSC | Chinese Students Club | |
CSDL | Charles Stark Draper Laboratory | |
C.S.E. | Computer Science Engineer (degree) | |
CSF | Community Service Fund | |
CSHE | Center for Studies in Higher Education | |
CSI | Center for Sports Innovation (Now named Sports Innovation @ MIT) | |
CSO | Conference Services Office | |
CQI | Continuous Quality Improvement | |
CSPI | Community Solar Power Initiative | |
CSR | Center for Space Research; now called MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics & Space Research (MKI) | |
CSSA | Chinese Students and Scholars Association | |
CSTF | Computer Space Task Force | |
CSWG | Computing Support Working Group | |
CTL | Center for Transportation and Logistics | |
CTP | Center for Theoretical Physics | |
CTPID | Center for Technology, Policy, and Industrial Development | |
CTS | Center for Transportation Studies (old name of the Center for Transportation and Logistics) | |
CTSS | Compatible Time-Sharing System | |
CU | (MIT Employees Federal) Credit Union | |
CUAFA | Committee on Undergraduate Admissions and Financial Aid | |
CUP | Central Utilities Plant | |
CUP | Committee on the Undergraduate Program | |
CUTC | Council of University Transportation Centers | |
CVA | Committee on the Visual Arts (old) | |
CWFPL | Center for Work, Family and Personal Life | |
CWIS | Campus Wide Information Systems (now Web Communication Services) | |
CWSP | College Work-Study Program | |
Cyborg | Personnel Database in Human Resources replaced by SAP 9/2003 |