Documents managed by the WCM may refer to Links within their content. The files stored in a managed website are not necessarily the exact files to be previewed or published. They may be blueprints from which the published files are built. This could be accomplished by allowing all managed documents to be stored as, say, Freemarker templates, which may assume that appropriate Link variables exist:
For example, the document "something.html" would be stored with embedded FTL tags:
To find out more about our products, see <a Wiki Markup
To find out more about our products, see <a href='$\{links\["Products"\].url}'>$\{links\["Products"\].title}</a>.
The exact methods of doing the templating could be hidden from the content author, who instead is presented with a editor UI allowing the selection of or creation of Links. If the content author selects an existing Link, the underlying template document would include the necessary markup, but the content author would not need to know about it. If the content author creates a new Link, the WCM would additionally create an associated target document if one is required. The content author should be allowed but not required to be involved in the details of the templating.