The educational value of wikis is currently being assessed. Some indications of they might support student learning is anchored in part in the "wisdom of crowds" - that is, groups of people working together are often more effective, productive and insightful than brilliant individuals. Groups are often better at solving problems, fostering innovation, coming to wise decisions and even predicting the future (http://www.profetic.org:16080/dossiers/article.php3?id_article=973). Examples of wiki-based community projects include: WikiMedia Foundation Projects (such as Wiktionary, WikiNews, and WikispecieS), EvoWiki (a reader-built encyclopedia of evolution, biology, and origins), SEEK (Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge), Wikibooks (a collection of open-content textbooks that anyone can edit),Wikiversity (a free, open learning environment and research community), OOPS (An Opensource Opencourseware Prototype System for lecture translation at MIT), and the WikiTravelGuide.