Here's what you should know:
{{bin}} - Where built executables are placed.
{{data}} - If you need to associate some sort of data file with your program that doesn't depend on the mission, this might be the place for it.
{{docs}} - For documentation, though usually the wiki is preferred.
{{lib}} - Where built libraries are placed.
{{missions}} - You can use this directory for testing mission files, but actual missions should use the {{ivp-extend/missions}} directory.
{{scripts}} - For command line scripts, which we'll come back to.
{{src}} - The source code itself.
{{build_proto.sh}} and {{CMakeLists.txt}} are both part of the build process, which we'll also come back to.
Within the {{src}} directory you'll see that each library or application has its own folder, and within those folder are header and source files. Folders for libraries are prefixed with {{lib_}}. Almost every folder also contains a {CMakeLists.txt}.