- Snapshot 2.0.29 is based on CSF Release version 2.0.28 - December 19, 2013.
CSF Release Version 2.0.28 - Released December 19, 2013
- Snapshot 2.0.28 is based on CSF Release version 2.0.27 - December 16, 2013.
- Modify the findByPidmAndAterm method to do a evict and flush before the read. It is to address the problem of Hibernate does not know the data has been changed for the StudentSubjectRegistrationEnrollmentCharacteristicRule object as the object is mapped to a view and the hibernate mapping does not specify the underlying tables for the view - submitted by Jennifer Weiss. Committed by Felicia Leung on December 17, 2013.
- change the type of the activity date column to edu.mit.common.dao.core.hibernate. TruncatedDateUserType to eliminate concurrency errors caused by a mismatch between the presence of milliseconds in Hibernates timestamp and lack there of in Oracle date columns - submiited by Jennifer Weiss.. Committed by Felicia Leung on December 17, 2013.
CSF Release Version 2.0.27 - Released December 16, 2013
- Snapshot 2.0.27 is based on CSF Release version 2.0.26 - November 25, 2013.
- added new security filter SsoX509SecurityContextPersistenceFilterFilter.java to correct a security violation reported by Jennifer Weiss. Committed by David Tanner, November 27, 2013.
- Fixed the problem of not calculating correctly the lengths of all items in the cc and bcc arrays in EmailServiceImpl.java. (Jira - CSF-7). Committed by Felicia Leung, December 6, 2013.
- added getSessionFactory() to daoFoundation. Requested by Stuart Brown. Committed by David Tanner, December 10, 2013.
- added new api.proxy.username property to apiFilter. Used to over-ride the REFERRED_USER http request attribute. Requested by Jennifer Weiss. Committed by David Tanner, December 10, 2013.
- reworked SsoX509SecurityContextPersistenceFilter to always create a new security context for each inbound http request. This filter is used solely for rest web services. Requested by the CSF team.  Committed by David Tanner, December 10, 2013.
CSF Release Version 2.0.26 - Released November 25, 2013
- Snapshot 2.0.26 is based on CSF Release version 2.0.25 - November 14, 2013.
- added new authentication filter SsoX509AuthenticationProcessingFilter.java for processing x509 certificates. Committed by David Tanner, November 15, 2013.
- modify HibernateAdvisorDao to create records in spriden_emp ( spriden_id_type=’M’) when advisors and supervisors are assigned (Jira REGREC-146). Submitted by Monica Menlibai on November 22, 2013. Committed by Felicia Leung on November 25, 2013.
CSF Release Version 2.0.25 - Released November 14, 2013
- Snapshot 2.0.25 is based on CSF Release version 2.0.24 - October 31, 2013.
- increase the length of the email_subject field as requested from powerfaids in database and remove the length attributes in all the string fields in hibernate mappings: EmailEvent.hbm.xml & EmailAttachment.hbm.xml. Committed by Felicia Leung, November 12, 2013.
- corrected sql in getRegRegularTerms method of HibernateStudentEnrollProfileDao.java - patch submitted by Jennifer Weiss. November 6, 2013. Committed by David Tanner, November 14, 2013.
CSF Release Version 2.0.24 - Released October 31, 2013
- Snapshot 2.0.24 is based on CSF Release version 2.0.22 - September 24, 2013.
- Added processing for REFERRED_USER to SSOAuthenticationProcessingFilter required by esapis rest services. Committed by David Tanner on October 22, 2013.
- Removed csf-notes module from CSF. Committed by Felicia Leung, October 23, 2013.
- Added check for application certificates in MitRolesAuthorizationService.java. Required by the scheduling project. Committed by David Tanner on October 28, 2013.
- Added new authenticatedVoter to the accessDecisionManager. Required by esapis rest service. Committed by David Tanner on October 28, 2013.
- Added new csf-httpclient module to CSF. Committed by David Tanner on October 28, 2013.
- Adding ApiFilter and unit tests. New dependency on csf-httpclient. Committed by Stephen Turner, October 28, 2013.
- Removing try/catch from DepartmentalAdministratorAuthorizationService - exception was being caught & logged instead of thrown. This led to unauthorized access to data in Reg Control List. Jira ticket CSFU-63. Committed by Stephen Turner, October 30, 2013.
CSF Release Version 2.0.23 - Version Number Skipped
- Version 2.0.23 was skipped due to technical problems with the Moves application. Use 2.0.24 instead.
Release Version 2.0.22 - Released September 24, 2013
- Snapshot 2.0.22 is based on CSF Release version 2.0.21 - August 30, 2013.
- Modify the EmailServiceImpl to resolve the MailPrepartaionException when the email subject field is null or empty string. The exception causes the emails to remain in the database tables as "queued" and are never sent to the recipients. Committed by Felicia Leung on September 23, 2013.
- Modify the EmailServiceImpl to resolve an exception thrown when the report recipient is an single-item array and the only item is null or blank or empty string. Committed by Felicia Leung on September 24, 2013.
Release Version 2.0.21 - Released August 30, 2013
- Snapshot 2.0.21 is based on CSF Release version 2.0.20 - August 2, 2013.
- Change to HibernateStudentEnrollmentCharacteristicsHistoryDao to fix Jira REGREC-85. Also new unit test class. Changes from sais-common patch submitted by Monica Menlibai on August 6, 2013. Committed by Stephen Turner on August 7, 2013.
- Course - added CipCode to domain and hbm files. Patch submitted by Shawn Dunn on August 20, 2013. Committed by David Tanner on August 22, 2013.
- Nationality / EthnicityGroup – fixed issue where hbm files were mapped to wrong objects (Nationality.hbm had mapping to EthnicityGroup table, and vice versa). Patch submitted by Shawn Dunn on August 20, 2013. Committed by David Tanner on August 22, 2013.
- Modify SMTPMessagePublisher - comment out the logic to request the server to authenticate before sending out emails. The change is to resolve the email sending problem encountered by pe-registraiton -web. Patch submitted by Ramkrishna Gundraju on August 30, 2013. Committed by Felicia Leung on August 30, 2013.
Release Version 2.0.20 - Released August 2, 2013
- Snapshot 2.0.20 is based on CSF Release version 2.0.19 - July 9, 2013.
- Changes to csf-notes to resolve the problems in notes Text formatted in paragraphs, mismatch in privacy mouse-over text and display text, and missing instructions for student with no notes. (Jira tickets: OREG-1103, OREG-1140 and OREG-1142). Committed by Felicia Leung on July 9, 2013.
- Changes to csf-notes to resolve the problem of double quotes display problem reported in Jira ticket: OREG - 1126. Committed by Felicia Leung on July 11, 2013
- Changes to csf-notes to resolve the problem of displaying a more graceful message when user attempts to print an empty note. (Jira ticket: OREG - 1144). Committed by Felicia Leung on July 12, 2013.
- Changes to csf-notes to display the error(s) more gracefully when exception is encountered and fix IE 7 or IE 10 compatibility mode display issues. Committed by Felicia Leung on July 15, 2013.
- Changes to textbookService. Added new Edition field. Patch submitted by Ben Cole on July 17, 2013. Committed by David Tanner on July 18, 2013.
- Changes to csf-notes to fix the name of the log file. Committed by Felicia Leung on July 18, 2013.
- Changes to csf-notes to add /notes.htm as one of the RequestMapping values Committed by Felicia Leung on Aug 2, 2013.
Release Version 2.0.19 - Released July 9, 2013
- Snapshot 2.0.19 is based on CSF Release version 2.0.18 - June 26, 2013.
- Modify EmailServiceImpl for tomcat environment. The system now will set the path to retrieve the velocity template as /velocity/(name of the template) if the server is a Tomcat server. Committed by Felicia Leung on July 3, 2013
- Changes to csf-notes to resolve problems reported in Jira tickets: OREG-1115, OREG-1122, OREG-1124 and OREG-1125. Committed by Felicia Leung on July 1, 2013
- Changes to csf-notes to resolve problems reported in Jira tickets: OREG-1103 and some IE 7 formatting issues. Committed by Felicia Leung on July 13, 2013.