In the bottom of this page you find the spectra, responses and background files necessary to reproduce the spectral analysis in Kettula et al., 2013 (A&A, 552, 47) which yielded results summarised in Fig 1. The results correspond to public SUZAKU calibration information in June 2011, i.e. XIS CALDB release
20110608\ and XRT CALDB release 20080709\
Fig.1: The average relative difference (diamonds) +- the error of the mean of the temperatures for different instrument pairs using the public calibration in June 2011 (blue line) and the modified contaminate used in the paper (red line) in the soft band.
Fig.2: The total amount of the hydrogen column density of the contaminant obtained when requiring consistent temperatures between the different XIS instruments (upper panel9 and its difference from that implemented in the public calibration (lower panel).
- SUZAKU data are processed with HEASoft3 release 6.11, containing Suzaku ftools version
18 (see details).