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qsub -I -l nodes=1

The Queue system

I haven't figured out how to make anything run, except an interactive qsub job. Seems more similar to coyote than beagle. The website has some examples of how to submit a job. Try to follow their examples.

This script ran on aces by qsubbing the file below like this:
qsub multiple_scripts1-10

multiple_scripts1-10 is:
#filename: pbs_script
#PBS -N pbs_script
#PBS -l nodes=1
#PBS -e stderr
#PBS -o stdout
# o Export all my environment variables to the job

if ( -f /etc/profile.d/modules.csh ) then
    source /etc/profile.d/modules.csh

module load matlab
matlab -nojvm -r "run(0.2985,1.0,75.0,10000.0,600.0,25.0,0.1,'rates_0_1.csv'); exit;"


I was specifically looking for a new way to use Matlab since I was using it on beagle but that went down. This is how to get matlab working with Aces
