See the Google Spreadsheet here : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArV5CPIqr4ocdEtZLXdWSlJHNzZRU1p2MTZodFFpSVE#gid=1
New Initiative - Mailing List: If you DO want to be on a list of people who get e-mails about travel between MIT/WHOI, click here and add yourself to the list (may need your MIT certificate). You can also remove yourself if you decide you've made a horrible mistake.
If you ever need a ride, please e-mail jp_student_commuting@mit.edu .
WHOI Shuttle
Between Village Campus and Quissett; picks up in parking lot across from Redfield in the Village and at Clark in Quissett; it goes to Oyster Pond several times a day also): Schedule: http://www.whoi.edu/page.do?pid=9002. Remember: Peace in the village (leaves village parking lot at :00, :20, :40), Y Quissett (leaves Clark main entrance at :10, :30, :50).