Active learning is a process whereby students engage in learning activities, such as reading, writing, discussion, or problem solving that promote application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of new knowledge of class contentcontents. In other words, students are the center role of the the learning process.
How does human mind work as engaging in learning? Learners perceive and process new information through two separate channels processing auditory/verbal input and visual/pictorial representation (Paivio's dual-coding theory and Baddeley's theory of working memory). Specifically, meaningful learning requires learners to pay attention to the presented materials (e.g., instructors' lectures or handouts), organize the perceive information into a structure that is connected and meaningful meaningfully connects to learners' prior experiences and exiting knowledge . However, this information-processing-system has limited capacity (Sweller's cognitive load theory). In other words, in In order to achieve intended learning outcomes, learners need to actively engage in learning activities to remember what they have learned (Retention) and use the learned skills and knowledge to solve new problems (Transfer).