HAL | |
HALP | Housing Assistance Loan Program (for MIT faculty) |
HapMap | A comprehensive genomic catalog (from "haplotypes") |
HASS | Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences |
HASS-D | Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Distribution (requirement prior fall of 1988 to class fall of 20142009). |
HASTS | History, Anthropology, and Science, Technology, and Society |
HCED | Housing, Community and Economic Development |
HCF | Hispanic College Fund |
HCHP | Harvard Community Health Plan |
HERC | (New England) Higher Education Recruitment Consortium |
HETE | High-Energy Transient Explorer (satellite) |
HHMI | Howard Hughes Medical Institute |
HHS | (Federal Department of) Health and Human Services |
HIE | Highlands and Islands Enterprise network |
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act |
HISP | Hosts-To-International-Students Program |
HKU | Hong Kong University |
HMS | Harvard Medical School |
HMTL | (Warren M. Rohsenow) Heat and Mass Transfer Laboratory |
HOC | Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Overview Committee |
HowToGAMIT | How to Get Around MIT (book title) |
HR | Human Resources |
HRO | Human Resource Officer |
HRPD | Human Resource Practices Development team |
HSN | Human Services Network |
HST | (Harvard-MIT Division of) Health Sciences and Technology |
HTC | History, Theory and Criticism of Architecture, Art and Urban Form |
HTF | Hypermedia Teaching Facility |
HUGE Fund | Helping Undergraduates Gain Excellence Fund |
Hum-D | Humanities Distribution (subject 1974-1987) |
HVRL | High Voltage Research Laboratory |