Transmitting is very easy - simply post a string to the variable ACOMMS_TRANSMIT_DATA and the modem will immediately send that data if it is not currently receiving or transmitting data. The variable ACOMMS_DRIVER_STATUS indicates whether the modem is "ready", "transmitting", or "receiving". The transmission rate and destination can be set by posting the the variables ACOMMS_TRANSMIT_RATE and ACOMMS_TRANSMIT_DEST. If sending non-ASCII data, post a binary string to ACOMMS_TRANSMIT_DATA_BINARY instead. Request
Request an ack by posting 1 to ACOMMS_REQUEST_ACK.
Lockout transmits by posting "on" to ACOMMS_TRANSMIT_LOCKOUT.
To use simple receiving, the "enable_legacy" option must be enabled in the MOOS process config. Whenever a transmission is received, information about the reception is posted to several variables: