- Open the following:(right click to open in a new window)
Wiki Markup DOI link (Publisher page for the item) \[may not always be available\]
- "File in this item" (there may be several files; you will only need the pdf or doc that contains the article – not the supplemental information or the publisher policy)
- You may also want to download the PDF from the publishers website (especially if you are working with the Author's Final Manuscript version of an article.
- Verify that the item you are submitting (the PDF downloaded from DSpace) matches the PDF described on the Publisher's website.
- Click "Edit Metadata" button to bring up the cataloging page
Enter the title of the article, the date you are cataloging, and your initials in the OA Database (at certain times throughout the year you may also be asked to enter the number of minutes (approximate) that you spent cataloging the article).
Sources to have available
- MIT People Directory: http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/people.html
- MIT Libraries homepage: http://libraries.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/
The following sources may be useful when determining authorized MIT Corporate Names:
- MIT Libraries homepage: http://libraries.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/
- OCLC Connexion: http://www.oclc.org/connexion/
- LC Name Authority File: http://authorities.loc.gov/
- Determine which authors of an item are "MIT Authors"
- Author affiliation is most often denoted by a number or symbol, following the name, which corresponds to a list of affiliated institutions listed below. In some cases authors are listed in groups by their affiliation. Often this information is found on the first page of an item or in a footnote - you may also need to scroll to the end of an article to locate the affiliation information
- All MIT associated authors of an item will need to be checked in the MIT directory (the form of name in the directory is what we are considering the authorized form of the are considering the authorized form of the name)
- When searching an author name in the MIT directory do not use the middle initial or middle name (sometimes it is best just to search for the last name)
Wiki Markup Enter the names as provided in the directory regardless of the form of the name found in the item \[_See MITOA Best Practices: MITOA_03.2 for exception_\]
- Enter the name in the following form: Last, First M., Jr.
- Remove any accents from the names
- If the name is not in the MIT directory it will still be entered in as an MIT Author. Often there are names of student who have since graduated the Institute. You may want to search the entire MIT site for the name to double check that an author was a student or faculty at some point when the article was researched/written
- If you are unable to determine if A. Smith is Adam or Alison use only the initial A.
- Sometimes a distinction can be made if the authors email address or DLC is listed on the item
- Exception: If an Author is listed on the item as being part of MIT through the Whitehead Institute, but does not show up in the MIT directory do not enter them as an MIT Author. Most Whitehead employees are also MIT affiliates and will show in the directory
- Exception: Broad Institute: Broad Institute authors will be entered as a MIT Authors only when the published date of a submission is prior to July 1, 2009
- See MITOA Best Practices: MITOA_03. for additional information
- Enter the names of all Authors of the item
- Remove accents
- Include the MIT Authors listed above (using the authorized form of the name found in the MIT Directory)
- Exceptions: If an item has more than 30 authors list the MIT Authors only.
- Cut and paste the abstract from the item or publisher page (publisher page may provide you with cleaner data)
- Abstracts containing formulas and symbols may need editing.
- Diacritics, Symbols, and scientific notations can be entered by cutting and pasting from Character Map (C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\System Tools)
- If no Abstract is on the item or provided by the publisher
- Use the first paragraph of text from the item, or
- If book review or letter to the editor, create an abstract (review of Title, or Letter concerning XXX)
- See MITOA Best Practices: MITOA_13. for additional information
- Confirm that the data is correct
If a DOI has not been provided (Or if the DOI was incorrect) - Enter the citation by either:
- Cut and paste citation from publisher page;
- Download citation into Zotero or other citation management program. Create a MLA citation for the item; or
- Create the MLA citation yourself if (1) a citation is not provided by the publisher or (2) the item is forthcoming but not yet published.
- Example of a citation for a forthcoming publication: Author. "Title." Forthcoming in: Journal Title.
- Review the citation for spacing issues and accuracy. Delete the DOI from the Citation and any downloaded date provided by Zotero.
Wiki Markup *Addition:* Add *© \[year of publication 20XX\] Publisher* to the end of all citations in which we are cataloging the "*Final Published Version*" (See Manuscript Version field)
- EXCEPTION: Do not add the copyright statement for "Final Published Versions" if it is obvious from the item or the DOI page that the author(s) maintain(s) the copyright.
- See MITOA Best Practices: MITOA_14. for additional information