Please note that the .m2 directory cannot be created using Windows Explorer. To create the .m2 directory, you must open a cmd window, cd to the sais-common-conf directory and use mkdir to create the .m2 directory.
Open a cmd window and cdto the C:\tmp\movesbuild\build\sais-common-conf\.m2 directory. Type the following command:
Code Block
linkd repository c:\Users\esuser\.m2\repository
The above command will link your local maven repository to the directory C:\tmp\movesbuild\build\sais-common-conf\.m2\repository.
cd to the C:\tmp\movesbuild\build\sais-common-conf\servers directory. Type the following command:
Code Block
linkd oc4j c:\oracle-oc4j-
The above command will link your local oracle server to the directory C:\tmp\movesbuild\build\sais-common-conf\servers\oc4j.