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  • This line was removed.
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  • MIT Directory will be the source of the authorized form of name for MIT AuthorsBarton
  • OA FileMaker DB will be the source of for the authorized form of MIT corporate bodies entered in the MIT Affiliations field (OCLC record and LCNAF may also be consulted)Barton will be the source of the authorized form of Journal titles (OCLC, LC, and Publisher websites may also be consulted)from of MIT DLCs, Publishers, ISSNs, and Sponsors

Authorizing MIT Author

Entered by Submitter


  • Articles yet to be published will not have a DOI or URL
  • If the link is broken you may need to search for the proper link
  • If the link is broken be sure that is begins with (followed by the DOI number string from the publisher's website)
  • See MITOA Best Practices: MITOA_02.1 for additional information

If a valid DOI has been provided, many of the following fields will be pre-populated with metadata. Be sure to confirm that the imported metadata is correct according to our standards. Make edits as needed.

MIT Authors

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Location: Publisher page, item (checked against MIT Directory)
