The success of the Microelectronics Weblab project has spawned the iLab initiative at MIT to explore the compliance of the weblab concept to other engineering disciplines. The Microelectronics WebLab is currently funded by iCampus, the MIT-Microsoft alliance. Significant equipment donations have been received from Hewlett Packard, Agilent Technologies, and Advanced Micro Devices.
Conventional courses in microelectronic device physics rarely include a laboratory experience that exposes students to the workings of real devices. This is because of equipment, space, training, safety and staffing constraints that become nearly insurmountable the moment there are more than a dozen students in the class. Actual device characterization, however, can substantially enhance the educational experience. Students can compare their measured data on real devices with the theoretical expectations and reflect on discrepancies, limitations, and design criteria. In addition, close contact with the real world is always a powerful motivator and students learn better.