Rubidium in Optical Lattices
Welcome to the wiki of BEC 4/5. Our ! Our research focuses on exploring the world of ultracold atoms, where many new and interesting phenomena occur.
BEC 4 /5 is only one part of the larger group of Professors Wolfgang Ketterle and Dave Pritchard. For an overview of the Ketterle-Pritchard group and all the exciting things happening, see here.
We are also a part of the the Center for Ultracold Atoms, which is a National Science Foundation Physics Frontier Center. Check out all the awesome science happening around the CUA!
This site is being continuously updated. Check back soon for more information!
BEC 4/5 team (10/22/2010) from left to right, top row: David Weld, Wolfgang Ketterle, Georgios Siviloglou, Niklas Jepsen, Graciana Puentes.
Left to right, bottom row: Junhyun Lee, Hiro Miyake, Ivana Dimitrova. Not in picture: Dave Pritchard.
Latest News
May 15, 2013: Congratulations to Hiro Miyake for successfully defending his thesis! Check back soon for "Probing and Preparing Novel States of Quantum Degenerate Rubidium Atoms in Optical Lattices" to appear in the thesis section on the research page, it is a fantastic read!