where <username> is your Kerberos Principal and <password> is your Kerberos password.
When you are satisfied that everything is correct, SAVE YOUR CHANGES.
Open the file: C:\oracle-oc4j-\j2ee\home\config\datasorces.xml for editing.
Find the 2 lines:
Code Block
and change <DBusername> to your database user name and change <DBpassword> to your database password. The DBusername and DBpassword are different from your Kerberos username and Kerberos password. If you don't know what username and password to use, ask your team leader.
When you are satisfied that everything is correct, SAVE YOUR CHANGES.
Open the file: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\apache-tomcat-7.0.29\conf\context.xml for editing.
Find the 2 lines:
Code Block
and change <DBusername> to your database user name and change <DBpassword> to your database password. The DBusername and DBpassword are different from your Kerberos username and Kerberos password. If you don't know what username and password to use, ask your team leader.
When you are satisfied that everything is correct, SAVE YOUR CHANGES.
The Install Tomcat 7 instructions gives an example on how to add a new Resouce Definition (database connection) to Tomcat.
Open the SQL Developer application.
In the *Connections* tab, right click on the *dev database* and select the *properties* option.
In the *Username* In the Usernamefield, change *<DBusername>* to your database user name. In the *Password* field, enter your database password. When you are satisfied that everything is correct, *SAVE YOUR CHANGES*.
indent In the *Connections* tab, right click on the *test database* and select the *properties* option.
#* In the *Username* field, change *<DBusername>* to your database user name.
#* In the *Password* field, enter your database password.
When you are satisfied that everything is correct, SAVE YOUR CHANGES.