Images - DJ Interface | Description |
| Heuristic Evaluation: - Added a log-in and sign in form page to introduce the app (Consistency and Standards)
For the home page, we opted for a simple look. Since login was not part of the previous design process, we simply mocked it up and implemented it. While testing internally, we found that it would be good to give the user feedback immediately about the validity of their input.
| Heuristic Evaluation - Removed album title from previous winner (Recognition Over Recall)
- Added DJ feedback graph to show user input (System and Real World)
- Changed "Search" to "Search by song name" (Consistency and Standards)
User Test - Made bars show up on DJ feedback when vote count was 0
There are basically four main sections here. The upper left shows the previous song. During user testing we found that this was not needed on the initial login so we removed it until a song was played. At that point, we added in both the currently playing song and feedback from how the crowd rated the song.
| Heuristic Evaluation - Increased space between the top section and the voting pane (Flexibility and Minimal Design)
| Heuristic Evaluation - Grayed out the "Begin Voting" button (Error Prevention)
- Added "BPM" on the table (Skills)
User Test - Added play button on the table
| Heuristic Evaluation - Made text of the pie chart labels larger and bolder (Visibility, Consistency & Standards)
| Heuristic Evaluation - Added certain genre related information tabs to the graph charts that adapt to the DJ's interests (Skills)