Item results page
Items results re-sized.
Shopping cart.
We decided to make our website a ruby-on-rails based system. The site is hosted on Heroku and the best browser for it is Chrome. We use a lot of outside libraries for various reasons including Sunspot(search), Stripe(payment), and Rake(database). Our back-end consists of models for items and users. Items have a name, description, price, brand, brand image, images, and categories which they fall under. Users have a first name, last name, email, password, shopping cart.
- The liked how simple our modals made things. They were straight forward and required no over-thinking.
User 2
I We asked one of our grandfathers to be our second test user. He usually buys presents for his grandchildren online, but due to the difficulties of finding specific items, he often opts to simply buy gift cards. When he used EasyShop, he found the product re-sizing to be a great feature for him, but he said he wished the product titles and images would have been re-sized as well.
User 3
What we learned