Successful sign up. In order to inform user that they have signed up successfully, we not only prominently show their name in the upper right hand corner, we also show a message with a green background stating that the sign up was successful. While this might be too much feedback for the average user, for our user population, the elderly, we want to make sure they always know what is going on.
Item results page.
Items results re-sized.
We decided to make our website a ruby-on-rails based system. The site is hosted on Heroku and the best browser for it is Chrome. We use a lot of outside libraries for various reasons including Sunspot(search), Stripe(payment), and Rake(database). Our back-end consists of models for items and users. Items have a name, description, price, brand, brand image, images, and categories which they fall under. Users have a first name, last name, email, password, shopping cart.