2. We sent a video-chat invite and asked them to join the chat
start the chat.
21. While chatting accept an invite to view a location.
3 2. Explore the location using provided controls and add a tweet.
Set 2A (Teleport to a location - active)
21. While chatting send an invite to teleport the other person
3 2. Navigate the other person -- show him the places around and then transfer the control to the other person.
Set 2B (Get teleported to a location )
21. While chatting accept an invite to view a location.
3 2. Explore the location using provided controls and add a tweet.
- Was able to use the intrface effectively
- Commented that having personal live video chart on the side bar and another person's video in the middle is very convenient.
- Said her Mum would really enjoyed Teleport.
- Overal found the system is intuitive to use.
User2 (local)
Course 2 6 Graduate
Age 23
- "I love it -- it's very interesting app"
- "I will use it for my vegas trip planning next week (this realtime google earth sharing feature is so amazing)"
- "You should release it as a product -- it's a very useful app"
- He was able to use it without any instructions.
User3 (remote)
Location: Pune, India