Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  1. Can't add tags to message by replying (functionality)
    1. There is a bug where the tags users create in the reply are not being added to the message where the reply is attached to until refreshed
    2. Recommended Action: Fix bug (the back end is being updated, but it needs to trigger a proper update of the view)
  2. Functionality of Advanced Settings not clear (Help and Documentation)
    1. The purpose of advanced features such as "Alert Desk Captain" and "Notes vs Issue" is not clear and there is no help users can access to figure out its use
    2. Recommended Action: Since all desk workers are trained in the systems used at desk, we intended these features to be taught to them. However, even if this were the case, we could alleviate the problem by adding a help/about section to CollabDesk, or having available help dialog specific to Advanced Settings. 
  3. Reply does not appear right away, there is a delay (Visibility, Feedback)
    1. Browse Read Pane view does not update immediately update after adding reply(have to switch tabs to trigger update of view), so . This happens because it creates and saves a new Reply object before displaying it, which incurs variable delays since it has to access the Parse servers. Sometimes the delay is longer than a few hundred milliseconds, so the user does not see feedback of adding reply immediately .and does not know whether it was successful or not.
    2. Recommended Action: Improve back-end to decrease latencyInstead of waiting for the object to successfully be saved on Parse's servers before displaying it, we could display it right after it is created (though this assumes that the save will be successful). Another option is to add a spinner where the reply would be shown before it is ready to be displayed, and then replace that with the actual reply when it is ready.
Create Message/Reply
  1. "Create New Message" dialog box does not scale (Put User In Control)
    1. Dialog that pops up to create a new message cannot be scaled, so part of the box may not be visible to users with certain screen sizes
    2. Recommended Action: Shrink default size of "Create New Message" and make it such that the box size is changeable.
  2. No recommendations when creating new tags (Learnability, Efficiency)
    1. There is no efficient way to access a list of relevant previously created tags
    2. Recommended Action: Though templates fill in at least one tag by default, we could suggest additional tags based on what frequently gets added to certain templates, and/or have auto-complete when user types in tag
