- Check in to a tour and Ask a question to the tour guide.
- Find a fact that interests you about MIT.
- Find a dance related event happening either today or tomorrow.
- Find a story that interests you and schedule a meetup with a student who wrote a story.
- Leave feedback for your tour guide.
User 1 Problems
- The User enjoyed the color scheme and found it aesthetically pleasing
- The User found difficulty understanding what types of questions could be asked to the queue.
- The User had no way of removing from the queue.
- The user did not understand what was on the General Stats page until clicking on it.
- The user pressed back on the events page expecting it to bring them back to home, but it brought them to the day they were previously on (unexpected).
- The user did not like all of the text on the stories page.
- The user would have liked a place to add events to a calendar.
- "Previous" and "Next" were slightly confusing. Would have preferred "Previous Day" and "Next Day"
- The user pressed on the story expecting to see it again in an "expanded" view, not the profile page.
- The profile schedule meetup button does not give feedback after pressing submit.
- Stars were missing from page when user visited.
User 2 Problems
User 3 Problems