Versions Compared


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Login page

The login Login page is the first page the trainer sees. We wanted a simple user interface that allowed both the athlete and trainers to login.

Trainer - Home page

Logging in as a trainer takes the trainer to his or her home pagethem to the Trainer Homepage.  The trainer's home page presents the trainer with athletes that he or she has been working with, giving them a snapshot of the health and injury status of the students athletes they work with.  The user can view the profile page for an athlete by clicking on their thumbnail if it appears, or using the auto-completing search bar if it does not.  If the trainer wants to add a new athlete, clicking on the "add a new athlete" button brings up a form to fill out their vital informationenter a new athlete into the system.  The look and feel of this page has changed very little since the original paper prototype.  One important difference is the way new athletes are created; rather than having a "+" button next to the search bar, the button now explicitly states that it is for adding a new athlete.  This helped with usability for first time users, who did not understand what the plus button represented.

Trainer - Individual Athlete


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The athlete profile page shows the trainer information about the athletetrainer can view an individual athlete's program.  The trainer can see his personal info (name, hometown, sport) as well as information about his health, injury history, and workout plan.  In the upper right corenr of the screen is the athletes status; a short summary of his current health and buttons that allow the user to change that status.  Below are three tabs: workout program, injury history, and notes.  The workout program is the most interesting of these.  On the left, the user can find exercises that can be added to the current program by dragging and dropping onto into the current workout.  The The sets and reps of exercises can be changed by clicking on the values, and exercises can be removed by clicking on the "x" button on the right.

Clicking  Clicking on the injury history tab will bring up a list of the athletes athlete's previous injuries and clicking on the player notes tab brings up a list of notes, which can be added to by typing in the box and clicking the add note button.  This page changed significantly from the paper prototype.  We removed images of the exercise to make the page aesthetically simpler, and changed the way dates worked.  Based Based on the feedback we received, we decided that rathe rather than having "Day 1", "Day 2", etc. it was better to organize the workout by weeks.  Also, since many users seemed confused by the ambiguity, we changed the interface to give concrete dates as well.  Finally, many users, in all of our user tests, struggled with adding exercises to the workout.  Most didn't intuitively guess that exercises needed to be dragged and dropped, so we added a help message that told them this.


Adding an injury to a student takes the user to this page, where he or she adds the basic information needed to update the athlete's profile page.  It also has not changed much since the paper prototypes.We originally had the user enter a custom date, which caused formatting problems once we began implementation. We changed the date field to three separate input boxes for day, month, and year. Unfortunately, this added another level of confusion because users were unaware if January was 1 or 0.




We conducted our user test with one two MIT athletic trainer trainers and two one MIT students student who have has had a lot of encounters with athletic trainers. Since the site is a tool for athletic trainers, the athletic trainer is the core of our target population. The MIT students both have had experience as assistant athletic trainers and were familiar with the needs of a trainerWe also needed one MIT student because they were the target user for the athlete side of Easy Trainer.


The users were given basic information of the class and intentions of our website. They were told that we would give them a set of tasks, observe them while they completed the tasks, and discuss any suggestions afterwards.


The user didn’t recognize a body area in the ‘create a workout’ tab and tried clicking ‘select a different body area’ label to search for it. This is not very severe. We should just make the label a search bar for body areas not being displayed.
In the add a new injury form you should be able to enter the date as the word instead of numerical. This is not very severe. We should just replace the input box with a dropdown.
The drag and drop functionality in ‘create a workout’ wasn’t obvious at first. We tried fixing this by adding a label saying ‘drag exercises here’ where a workout would go when the workout program is empty. In a real scenario the user would see this message before beginning to create a workout and there should not be a problem.This is not very severe.
He missed the significance of the colors in the note section.This is not very severe. Perhaps we could make selecting a color change the background of the input text box also to indicate the message will have that background.
He felt like we should be able to edit multiple days of reps for a single exercise at once. This would be a minor change.
He also said it would be nice to have a way to contact the athlete when updates to his profile are performed. 
He thinks the dashboard player boxes should have more information such as the most recent note. He also suggested that a sort of news feed for recent injuries and notes could be nice to have on the dashboard also.

-Quick sort of trainer cards

Student 1:

When told to update a player’s injury status, this user was confused by the ‘select a body area’ list in the ‘create a workout’ tab. This is somewhat severe. Perhaps the create a workout area should be grayed out when the player is healthy. This would take attention away for it and allow the user to look at all of the page and see the injury section.
This user understood the significance of and used the colors for athlete notes.
When looking for Kobe Bryant it took this user a long time to find the athletes bar. Also when he found it he said that with the number of athletes a trainer is actively treating, showing them all in a dropdown is not very realistic. This is very severe. If we replaced the athletes dropdown with a search bar the user would be more likely to see it and know it needs to use it to find additional athletes.
This user had no problem at all creating a workout.
