- Catastrophic - usability/error handling - names entered in the package/items forms must be exact--many users added whitespace before or after names and the form would not accept them. We should strip all whitespace from forms before they're submitted.
- Major - shortcuts/safety/error handling - package and item editability is not intuitive--users said they were looking for an edit button to switch into edit mode. We should add an edit button that when clicked clearly makes fields editable.
- Minor - efficiency - users expected autocomplete to help them fill in residents' names. We should add autocomplete to forms.
- Minor - consistency/match the real world - the icon for items is confusing because it is a picture of tools. We should use a picture of more commonly lent items--movies, pool equipment, ping pong paddles, broom, etc.
- Minor - consistency/match the real world -instead of "checking in/out" items, users preferred the term "lend". We should change the buttons to be labeled "lend" and "return".
- Minor - consistency/match the real world -instead of "adding" or "releasing" packages, users preferred the terms "receive" and "deliver". We should change the buttons to be labeled "receive" and "deliver".
- Major - visibility of system status/put the user in control - users said they wanted notifications for new notes so they would know to check the notes page. We should add iphone-style push notifications.