For the backend we utilized node.js as well as bcrypt.js files to sure up the password encryption.
Because we had 2 interfaces for our project, we had to pull two different types of users.
we also had 3 party goers however their background is less important since the focus group for MackVibes is the Dj community.
You've just finished setting up your equipment to DJ for the party tonight, however, you don't quite know what kind of music the crowd is going to like THis is a new audience, and you don't want to perfom badly. You have decided to Use MackVibes, which is a software that allows you to interact with your audience, by giving them options for songs to vote on by the click of a button, or simply provide them with the name of songs currently playing.
You've just shown up at this awesome party and heard of this cool application that allows you to rate the song currently playing, check information about songs that have already played during the night, or vote between a set of songs to see what they want to hear coming up.
- Theoretically download our plugin and organize his music into a playlist for the party
- Select 3-5 songs for the audience to vote on, and begin the voting process
- End the voting process and analyze results, both
- Genre popularity, and
- The overall mood of the party
- Analyze feedback from the audience about the overall performance
- Vote for song to listen to in the next few minutes
- Like look at previously played songs from the audience and interact with that list
- Upvote and/or downvote DJ performance