Images - Listener Interface | Description |
| When a user initially opens the application, they see this default home |
| After submitting a valid "DJ code," information begins to populate the |
| In this screen, the user sees the list of songs that have been played. |
| This is the voting screen. When the DJ selects songs for the listeners |
For mackVibes, we used HTML/CSS/Jquery to design and implement the front end. Initially we chose to use twitter bootstrap to design the application, but this implementation decision caused problems, and we found that using the jquery mobile library instead, provided for an easier designing stage, as well as a consistency for mobile web applications that we could not achieve using twitter bootstrap.
On the mobile application side we also used echonest, an api used to gather and display information about a song, artist, or track, and utilized this to present important information about songs played by the DJ.
For the backend we utilized node.js as well as bcrypt.js files to sure up the password encryption.
Because we had 2 interfaces for our project, we had to pull two different types of users.
- User type 1-DJ: A College DJ that often Dj's at parties whether for pay or free.
- User Type 2:-Party-goer: A College student that frequents parties
Of these user types we had 3 Dj's
- DJ 1: A Senior at MIT, with 4 years of experience Dj'ing fraternity parties.
- DJ 2: A Junior at MIT, with only about 1 1/2 years of experience DJ'ing fraternity parties
- DJ 3: A Freshman at MIT, who has only DJ'ed at about 2 parties thus far in his career
Description of User Test