The user didn’t recognize a body area in the ‘create a workout’ tab and tried clicking ‘select a different body area’ label to search for it. This is not very severe. We should just make the label a search bar for body areas not being displayed.
In the add a new injury form you should be able to enter the date as the word instead of numerical. This is not very severe. We should just replace the input box with a dropdown.
The drag and drop functionality in ‘create a workout’ wasn’t obvious at first. We tried fixing this by adding a label saying ‘drage ‘drag exercises here’ where a workout would go when the workout program is empty. In a real scenario the user would see this message before beginning to create a workout and there should not be a problem.This is not very severe.
He missed the significance of the colors in the note section.This is not very severe. Perhaps we could make selecting a color change the background of the input text box also to indicate the message will have that background.
He felt like we should be able to edit multiple days of reps for a single exercise at once. This would be a minor change.
He also said it would be nice to have a way to contact the athlete when updates to his profile are performed.
He thinks the dashboard player boxes should have more information such as the most recent note. He also suggested that a sort of news feed for recent injuries and notes could be nice to have on the dashboard also.
When told to update a player’s injury status, this user was confused by the ‘select a body area’ list in the ‘create a workout’ tab. This is somewhat severe. Perhaps the create a workout area should be grayed out when the player is healthy. This would take attention away for it and allow the user to look at all of the page and see the injury section.
This user understood the significance of and used the colors for athlete notes.
When looking for Kobe Bryant it took this user a long time to find the athletes bar. Also when he found it he said that with the number of athletes a trainer is actively treating, showing them all in a dropdown is not very realistic. This is very severe. If we replaced the athletes dropdown with a search bar the user would be more likely to see it and know it needs to use it to find additional athletes.
This user had no problem at all creating a workout.
No problem creating athlete
“how do I find kobe bryant?” It took him a long time to find the athletes dropdowndrop down. Again this is severe. The same suggestion applies from above.
He struggled to find how to add exercises (clicked around until he found the side bar). This is somewhat severe. Maybe we could make the workout locked in, and require the user to enable editing once a workout is set. Then the area would be in his field of view and more clear.
When trying to add an exercise he kept clicking the clean and jerk button (eventually figured out that he needed to drag and drop). The drag exercises here message should also be displayed on click and not just drag.
He had no problem changing sets/reps, or adding a note.
To add an injury, his first instinct to click injury history, but he found the actual button immediately after. No real problem here.