GR6 - FoodAware User Testing
Design -
Our application has truly evolved from the start of this course. Our central problem we wished to solve and the task scenario have remained constant throughout the project. To refresh, the central problem was that people with dietary restrictions have difficulty finding foods. Our task scenario revolves around a vegetarian that finds it safe to consume chicken perusing a menu and selecting items that he/she wants to eat.
Shown below is a photo of our summary page:
Design Alternatives Considered:
Implementation -
We relied on functionality from Parse to implement our design in order to share data between webpages. Page logic and interaction is accomplished client side and data such as restrictions, menu selections, and restaurant choice are loaded by querying a Parse account on each page load.
Evaluation -
We tested our implementation on three people. We allowed each person to choose items pertaining to their dietary restriction and tasked each user to enter their restrictions, browse restaurants and menus, and select items they would like to eat. We found users who indicated that they have food restrictions. Our users include vegan, chicken vegetarian, people who is on the paleolithic diet.
- Enter your food restrictions
- Browse restaurant menus
- Find some dishes that are safe for you to eat
Usability Issues Observed:
Users find it not easy to learn that the buttons on diet profile page are accordions and can be expanded. (Learnability - Major)
Users kept clicking the "minus" icon, and learned what that did. It took quite long for them to learn that the button can be clicked to expand the accordian.
- Correct our accordion behavior for our categories to keep items open once they have been activated once.
Reflection -
With extra time we would have most likely continued using our design and refining it, rather than start a fresh, all-new implementation. With that said, we have discussed further areas of improvement that we would have liked to incorporate into our design.