- The price we paid for using the Disqus plugin was that users were required to sign in twice if they wished to comment on a combo, and then were registered with Disqus. If we were to release our project for public use, we would want to implement our own comments section, hosted on our own server, to avoid this inconvenience for the users. (major)
- The novice user who was also new to our system said that the joystick input felt slightly unnatural for normal computer input, but would be great for a mobile device. However, he was not confused about how to use the system in any way. (cosmetic)
- It was not immediately obvious to the new-to-our-system user that clicking on a row would lead to a separate page devoted to the individual combo (despite the highlighting and change of cursor). When presented with the task to comment on a combo, he was initially confused on how to do so, but ultimately figured it out. He suggested that having an additional column or link somewhere in the row that said "see comments" would be beneficial in indicating that comments were even something that existed. (majorminor)
- The submission button at the end of the create combo process was not in the same position as all other buttons to move forward in that process. (cosmetic)
- Iterative search (as implemented in the advanced filter section) should also exist in the main search bar. (minor)