Our final design is not very different from our design after GR4. On the front page, some of the symbols for restrictions changed, as seen below. Originally, we were planning on using symbols such as cheese and meat to designate different restrictions; we settled on using letters that are commonly used to designate restrictions.
Overall, since the website idea was straightforward, we successfully implemented a simple user interface. We received good user feedback, primarily during paper prototype testing, and we integrated suggestions into our interface.
Our website is hosted on The two pages of the site (the front page and the search results page) are served as static HTML, CSS, and Javascript directly through Apache. We use FastCGI to provide a dynamic endpoint for fetching recipe results. This FastGCI script is written in Ruby. It uses Sinatra, a Ruby microframework for building web applications, as well as ActiveRecord, an object relational mapper. Our database is stored in MySQL, hosted by Amazon’s Relational Database Service. The schema of the database is illustrated below:
All code we wrote is public on GitHub:
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