User 1 is a female in her early twenties who frequently babysits for her family and friends' infant children. *
- User successfully and easily logged into dBabies from the login screen.
- She noted and asked if she needed to create a user account, which she did not.
- She found it easily due to its location which maintained external consistency to other websites.
- In the modal for Adding Events, user thought that the add to shopping list toggle should automatically add the item when click not when submitted.
- The user did not use direct manipulation of the schedule to add events.
- Noted the adding of a new quick-add panel was useful and liked that it could be personalized with user uploaded images.
- For every task that needed an event, she simply added a new quick-add panel.
- Direct manipulation of events on the calendar was useful, but hard for the user to handle in some instances, such as dragging to lengthen the duration.
- The user noted an internal inconsistency in that the digital clock on the page is in a 12-hour format, but the scheduler is in a 24-hour format.
- Found that using that using the Quick-add to put the event on the calendar then directly manipulating the event to be the "best" course of action.
User 2
User 3
Over the course of the iterative design process we learned several things of what goes into a solid website design. What we found to be the most important is taking note of feedback and incorporating those comments into our design as much as possible.