| The implemented layout consists of a panel on the right that contains mode controls, main window and a heading bar. The light background is intended to be unobtrusive but communicative of the main purpose of the application. Through our prototype testing we observed that the users were mostly drawn to the main window and found it difficult to access controls from the top bar. We, therefore, located all the necessary function buttons within the main window and mode controls on the right. It is only utilities that are located in the top bar. |
| Live vide chat mode opens two videos: the person contacted appears in the main window, while the person calling can see himself/herself appearing on the side bar. |
| We also support an option for text messages, giving users the flexibility to choose depending on context and personal preference. During the user testing we found out that some users like typing things in along with speaking. Messaging is also useful when speaking is disruptive to other people around or internet connection is not good enough. |
| When changing to the Teleport mode the video the person one is talking to is relocated to the side bar, underneath the personal video. This gives a feedback for the user that when taken to a different mode, another person is still on call. Seeing another person while navigating a map also provides additional visual clues and creates a more intimate conversation. |
| Clicking the share button brings up a dialogue box. Sharing text messages is implemented through twitter, therefore, the user has to have a twitter account to be able to post messages. |
| The interface also allows to post and share a YouTube video related to a location. |
| Feeds panel stores all the posts made. Feeds are sorted by date and time. When clicking on the feed the user is taken to the Google Earth navigation window. To improve efficiency we provided a search bar. |
| The offline Teleport mode is activated by either clicking on a feed or by clicking Teleport on the right hand side panel. To transfer to a location the user can either type in a location, or, alternatively, speak. Throughout prototyping stages we found it is important to provide the possibility of speech input because elderly are part of our targeted user group and for them it might be easier to use speak a location. |
| Showing a specific location offline. When the user navigates in the shared location, the view is updated for both participants in the chat allowing users to explain, point and make comments interactively, while also seeing another person in a video chart. |
| When clicking a share button a window that allows to tweet and post appears. During paper prototyping one of the users raised concern that there should be a save button because otherwise it is hard to be sure that the tweet has been saved therefore we added the save option. |
| To start the system the user is asked to log in. We tried to keep the page as simple s possible. For returning users there is an autocomplete. |
| The new users are required to create a new Teleport account. |