Our design used Django as its web framework. Django's templating system was used to re-use pieces of our site, such as the navigation bar.
Who we tested:
We conducted our user testing with members our family that had a spouse and children. Each user uses the computer at a very basic level for simple tasks like emailing and browsing the web. Because they each had a spouse, had children, and had basic computer skills they were representative of the target group of the average couple with children.
How we tested them:
- As we tested them remotely, we used screen sharing to see how they directly interacted with our interface.
- Each test was tailored to meet the real life specifications of each user (text surrounded with quotes in the briefing and text was changed for each test.)
- Accounts were made for each user prior to each test.
- Purpose of application: To help parents manage co-owning digital content of their children and family
- You are a parent of "list children".
- You and your spouse have already created accounts on CoShare and CoShare recognizes you both as each other's spouses.
- You have a iPhone with a web-browser.
- I have given you a folder of photos that you should put onto your desktop.
Task 1 - Bulk upload and organize content from desktop
- Upload these pictures, from the folder I gave you.
- Organize them by:
- Add the pictures to the site
- You didn't remember "a detail about that event" was so you added the pictures to your spouse's queue to look at and edit.
- Add the uploaded pictures to a new album that is appropriately named.
Task 2 - Retrieve content added by spouse
Unfortunately you were unable to see "name event in one of the pictures". Luckily, your spouse was their to take some pictures.
- Locate these pictures
- Mark three as favorited
Task 3 - Mobile upload and desktop refinement
You just took a cool picture of "child" from your phone. Upload it to CoShare via the mobile site.
- Upload this picture from your iPhone to CoShare’s Mobile Site.
- Login to your CoShare account on your computer.
- find the picture
- give it an appropriate description
- add it to a new album with an appropriate name
We did not use a demo because we thought it was unnecessary and would cause us to lose some valuable information from the evaluations.