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MANAGING DATA via FMP (Budgets layout)PIs add budget worksheets to their proposals, and data from these worksheets are automatically compiled per Funding Year (FY) to generate 90-4 forms in FMP. Worksheets driving each 90-4 are accessible under 'Related Worksheets'. Budget justification (optional in the pre-proposal phase) is editable at right. New budget worksheets may be added in FMP, but may only be edited via the proposal submission interfaces. The Budgets layout is printer-friendly, and is the 90-4 template used for PDF exports. The print view of indirect costs rates and budget justification is shown below the 90-4. Grantee : If the "Sub-Award?" toggle is set in a budget worksheet to 'Yes', the corresponding 90-4's Grantee field is set to the PI's institution, and a green '+ Sub-Award CP' button is shown next to the 90-4 listing in corresponding Pre-Proposals and Full Proposals layouts. If 'No', this field is set to the eSG host institution. Grant Number : Driven by Grant Number assignment in associated 90-2. Setting this value in 90-2 triggers assignment of corresponding value in 90-4s for future funding years. Project Number : Driven by Project Number assignment in associated 90-2. Other Costs display in 90-4 : Other Cost sub-awards are listed first, followed by up to 13 Other Costs sorted alphabetically by type, and including a row for summarizing the remainder. Total Costs Adjustments : Adjust the SG and/or Grantee share of Total Costs in each 90-4. The SG and Grantee Total Costs fields are the only ones affected. Sub-awards The Sub-Award setting for a budget is initially set by the PI, when they answer the budget worksheet question "Is this award to a non - <your institution> investigator?". To create a sub-award coverpage for a 90-4, click the green '+ Sub-Award CP' button that accompanies the 90-4's listing in the Pre-Proposals and Full Proposals layouts. This creates a new 90-4 pre-configured as a coverpage for the selected 90-4, with the host institution's Director as the PI (see FMP Interface Configuration - RFP; $$subcontract_PI_id variable). Sub-award 90-4 coverpages are automatically included in summary calculations (e.g. Overall 90-4 for FY, Overall 90-4 for proposal, etc), while the sub-award 90-4s themselves are automatically excluded. To selectively exclude other 90-4s, set the 'Exclude this 90-4 in summary calculations?' radio button for a 90-4 to 'Yes'. Worksheet Subtotal Forms worksheets are subtotaled in the following forms: single proposal proposal sets (via Reports) |